Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That wire looks familiar. I see that wire two or three times a week. And most of the time, it's LIVE.
What goes through homeowners minds when they decide to tuck it under the insulation or even to leave it there LIVE for that matter.

Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Good catch. I had a similar situation a couple of weeks ago.
Here's a pic. of some orange NM in the attic just laying on the ceiling joist

Now here's the other end of the NM. Note that it by passes the panel and goes straight into the meter box.
My client, who was the buyer, is an agent that I work for frequently. She was purchasing the house from a friend. When I showed her that her friend had been stealing electricity, she was speechless.
Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I guess I should have said "possibly" stealing electricity. It all depends where the cable is connected inside the meter box. At the very least, it's an unprotected cable. But why connect a cable directly into the meter box if you are not stealing?
Originally Posted By: Gino Conner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think “probably” is a suitable adverb to use here. Patrick is right. There is no other reason to run a cable into the meter pan but to steal electricity.