Originally Posted By: jpope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Put on your non-conductive suit and get in there man!!
You know, on any other occasion, I may well have gone in further. This was the absolute worse home I have ever come across when it comes to electrical hazards.
The attic was the last stop after viewing at least 50 hazards including these panels. . .
I didn't remove any covers, they were already gone.

I was just done.
-- Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738
Originally Posted By: jpope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jmyers wrote:
I think you should run, you have my vote! 
Thanks JM. Unfortunately, I've got other priorities that won't allow me the time needed to perform the duties of that commitment.
Scott Stevens wrote:
What a mess. How would you write up a situation like that?
It was a pretty general write up that ended with a recommendation for a complete electrical system evaluation and repair. There were just too many things to write up each one individually.
-- Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jeff P,
Never underestimate the power of a compliment. I am currently a candidate and I would vote for you before I would vote for myself.  REALLY, I WOULD!