Originally Posted By: mboyett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Brian, thanks for confirming the physical part for me. As for the 220vac, I remember another thread from a couple of months ago and the consensus was that if the cheapo tester like I use had all three lights lit up then that did indeed indicate 220 vac. That’s how I wrote up the report and recommended repairs. I think I’m safe on that call.
Originally Posted By: mboyett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
bkelly2 wrote:
We could go to the NEC thread and ask.
Let's not & say we did....Joe T will just cite 3 pages of code and get me more confused than I already am. ![icon_cool.gif](upload://oPnLkqdJc33Dyf2uA3TQwRkfhwd.gif)