Sporecyte mold report software & lab


Hi team I am a Home Inspector and Mold Assessor in Florida. I am wondering how this ties in to my MRSA license and insurance. It appears that this is less expensive service to add to a home inspection then a full home inspection and mold assessment would be together. Thus creating more revenues for the home inspector however, if we do this mold screening/ testing (not sure what to call it) then if there is a compliment does it go against the HI or MRSA license? Also some of the recommendations on the mold report could be to hire a mold assessor to a have a complete assessment done. But we were there to do a full home a mold testing/ screening already (do we go back and do it again?) What are your thoughts? This looks like a solid service to add to the home inspection and would love to try it. The report is very easy to read for the buyer and maybe just maybe this equals less calls backs. Let me know what you think.

Based entirely on your post, I think you are not qualified to get involved in the ‘Mold World’ at this time.
Hope you have good insurance.
Good luck!

(Btw… No, I did not click on your link. I don’t know you, you’ve been here less than two weeks, and I ain’t stoopid)!


Looks to me like it is simply lab analysis of spore traps that you would collect as part of a mold test. There lab fee is double what I pay my current lab, and it looks like they don’t even offer swab testing.


I dont blam you for not clicking the link (it is their company link for reference) but i have been licensed for mold and home inspection since 2010 been doing inspections of all kinds sinse 2000 thank you but im well qualified. I see you like to post comments to put inspectors down not interested in your feed back but would like to know what OTHER inspectors think have a great day Jeffrey Jones

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And yet less than two weeks ago you were looking for Mold inspection Software.
Interesting… NOT!


Yes and no one had anything to offer. I got the newsletter today and that company was on it so i call and spoke to mr bates. Sooooo before i tried the service i reached out to MY inspection community (member since 2011) to see what you all thought. This is not my software just wounding how i could if i want to use it. Are you even in Florida?? If not your info is no good to me. Here is a thought use your experience and expertise to help other thats what this message board is for . I see how you discourage others and offer no real help other than your opinion. How are you helping? Always giving nothing to improve our community stop commenting on this post im looking for honest help


Did you post this in the FLORIDA ONLY section, or specify that you only needed Floridian inspector replies?

NO, you did not. You posted in the open to all section!


Well, aren’t you the pillar of this organization… 11 year member… where you been, and where’s YOUR help???

what lab do you use if you don’t mind me asking?

I think they are lessor known to inspectors, but their service has been outstanding. I had a test 2 weeks ago that was time sensitive. My overnight package got held up by FedEx somewhere and wasn’t delivered the next day as it was supposed to be. I emailed my account rep at Hayes and he got their shipping department involved to contact FedEx. The package was delivered the next day and my rep hand-walked the samples through the process and got them back to me before noon that day.



I use “S” for spore traps and “D” for swabs. I’ve also done a few “TPA’s” with spore traps. Price sheet is current as of right now, but of course subject to change.


Currently AEML in Pompano Beach

You say you’re licensed in Florida, is this as a mold accessor, as well as home inspector?
There are alot of stipulations to do mold in Florida, and most home inspectors don’t qualify, just like with WDO.


Joel, what exactly did you perform there?
You say screening & sampling.
Did you create a report on it?
Was it limited sampling or part of your “full screening”?
You are a licensed Mold assessor - did you (or should have you) do a written assessment?

I don’t understand why you are not sure what to call it.
Why did you throw this in?
Perhaps there is more going on than what you have told us.


That’s what i was thinking so it could be a bad idea to offer this bc it will draw in my other license as I suspected. It would be nice to offer but not at the cost of exposure on my end ty for your input Daniel.

Hi marc no i did not perform a service for anyone with this sporecyte report yet. i was looking to see if anyone knew about how they as a home inspector would offer this also having a mold license as well. It seems like a nice idea but in the end it appears to be for a home inspector in another state possibly whobl this might work for. I Saw the nachi newsletter TODAY and it looked interesting. I then spoke to mr bates the creator of the software and sounded like maybe it could work. BUT wanted input for the Florida Profesionals 1st.

I usually give a package price, including WindMit, 4 Point, termite, visual mold (no sampling).
I let them know up front I can include mold like most home inspectors cannot.
The key word here is visual.
Just make sure your inspection agreement states visual mold (no sampling).

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Joel, Sporecyte was at the convention last month. They offer a nice product and a clean report. I did find out through another vendor that they are not yet a “certified or accredited” lab. My understanding is that this is in the works and they are very close to getting approval. Personally I would not do business with a lab that is not fully accredited yet, as you want the results to be defensible in a court of law should something go south. My .02


I reached out to Sporecyte about 5 months ago. I had a nice conversation and offered to promote their services to my pre-licensing students and at my continuing education events. I agreed to waive our sponsor fee and list them as a sponsor if they provided a couple of complementary air pumps and associated supplies that we could show and demonstrate for the students and to the NC inspector community. I also offered to have some active inspectors test out the equipment and service and provide feedback. Additionally, I offered to set up and promote a Zoom meeting for NC inspectors. A few months went by with no results, followed up and they said that Fed Ex was out of boxes. Just my experience.