Under a double kitchen sink. The grey component is pliable vinyl-like material. It is clamped onto a short piece of ABS which is clamped in to a pliable reducer. I assume this is not an acceptable arrangement but I don’t know what rule(s) is/are broken. What is the purpose of the soft grey component? Thanks, Peter.
The flex-trap (the “soft grey component”) is actually a listed trap (manufactured by Fernco), however, this installation is completely improper - which is one reason why these flex-traps should not be allowed.
The maximum allowable trap-seal depth is 4 inches.
I’d write this condition/example up as a temporary patch, that should be completed with similar materials compatible with the existing original design materials.
I’d never recommend this type of repair, especially under a kitchen sink.
I see this and other types of flexible/pliable connectors under bath vanity sinks and even in Washer drain standpipes from time to time, and I always recommend alternate repair methods.
IPC 1002.4 Trap seals. Each fixture trap shall have a liquid seal of not less than 2 inches (51 mm) and not more than 4 inches (102 mm), or deeper for special
designs relating to accessible fixtures…
Considering the cost of a PVC Trap what would be the point of this. The pictured material is ABS plastic and can be compression connected to PVC (slip joints).
I guess if it ever got plugged you could squeeze the trap to break up the clog.
I am wishing that there was more of a view to the right side.
I am wishing that there was more of a view to the right side.
Looks like about a foot…:shock:
looks like the drain line from the other bowl is sloped the wrong way too
I see this kind of installation now and then and write it up as basically this is a temporary repair it is recommended that a qualified plumber evaluate and correct as needed
It doesn’t need “evaluation,” it needs to be corrected. . .
Of course we know it needs to be corrected but my opinion is that if you give a cure statement in the inspection report it would then open you up to liabilities if lets say your client does what you said…but that does not correct the problem then you are on the hook…Am I right?