Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
NACHI’s mouse pad promotion seems to have been a success. We now have thousands of real estate agents, many entire real estate offices, and a couple national relo companies referring NACHI members exclusively.
Members may email nick.gromicko@nachi.org with a list of up to 20 real estate agents they would like the world's best mouse pad to be shipped to. We will include a little note telling the agent it came from you. Each name on the list must be a licensed real estate agent, include their company name, and include their address. Please make the email list vertical, not horizontal. Do not attach the list to the email but put the list within the email itself. Don't expect me to ship yours tomorrow. Our staff ships in the order received. Don't forget to include your own full name in the email.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You are the best.
If you can get the banks to use http://www.FindAnInspector.US, then we should be able to do the same thing here in Masachusetts. What are you doing in PA, that we can do here in Massachusetts. I would be happy to assist in marketing our organization to local banks/mortgage companies but would like to know your approach.
Lets' do it. 
If you are an "I think its wrong to market to REALTORs" inspector, please don't read the aforementioned link. 
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
www.FindAnInspector.US won't work specifically for Canada, especially since it has a .US extension. Oh Canadians can find it... they'll just find a bunch from the states first.
Contact a bunch of your fellow inspectors in Canada and get about 25 to join NACHI. Give the memberships away for free if you have to. Just get me 25 Canadians, and I'll have Chris build you guys up there your own inspector search site. Then I'll make new mouse pads that reference the Canadian-only site. I realize that Canadian members of NACHI currently don't get top billing on our sites. We'll have to make one just for you guys but we need about 25 or so inspectors. I'll get you special Canadian inspector search word placements on result pages of popular internet search engines too.
I've had the same problem getting you guys cheaper insurance. We just don't have enough Canadian inspectors.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The other problem we have is that our inspector search sites are all US zip code based. This is why I feel Canadian members get the short end of the stick temporarily. We’ll change this for the Canadian members-only search sites.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Our first order of business in Canada is to fix your E&O insurance problems. No, NACHI will NOT be taking any kickbacks. That should save you guys a bundle just to start.
Originally Posted By: rking This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Kickbacks never even entered my mind.
So far the benefits of being able to communicate on this board in earnest, and in jest, is the equivalency in my mind's eye to the best organization around!
The 'Not for Profit' designation is rather self explanatory and NACHI lives up to it.
The thread about NACHI helping charitable organizations is a tell tale sign of the spirit and professionalism of all involved.
I am looking forward to getting a little more involved up here north of the border!
-- Muskoka Home Inspections
"Wisdom is the Anticipation of the Consequences"
Steering Committee Member At Large