Originally Posted By: Jeff Pope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’ve been a NACHI member for only one week. Sunday evening I was emailed directly from a gentleman in the process of obtaining his first home and searching the internet for resources and information.
He found the NACHI website, typed in the zip code where he was purchasing his property and clicked on my email link.
I've booked the inspection for Tuesday!! Thanks NACHI!!
I've been an affiliate member of a local Realtor Association for several weeks now, without a single lead. I've mailed out countless flyers with some success. The NACHI website link paid for my membership fee in one week.
Nick told me that the membership fee would be "the best $ I've ever spent." With all the available resources and marketing tools available to us as members, he is right!
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Welcome to NACHI. You can participate with us as often as you wish. Pick our brains. Take the test! Take it til you pass. That is the beauty of it. Every test is different. Find a flaw with a question and get a couple of bucks from ole Nick.
Seriously though, NACHI is a great org. We're all waiting for you to shed your non-member status.
Originally Posted By: Jeff Pope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
To All,
I am experiencing continued success through the NACHI website. Even though I did not book another inspection (yet), I received a reply from one of the "promotional emails" I sent through NACHI.
The reply was from a Realtor requesting more information about my inspection business. I have set up an appointment with her to bring in a sample report and give her my "pitch."
I recorded about two hours of or local Real Estate cable channel and wrote down every email address that was listed. There were about 30 Then I went to our members area and sent each of them the NACHI email.