Remember MSM says this movie exposing child trafficking is QAnon fodder for “Dads with brain worms”.
Trump endorsed according to cnbc (they are gas lighting the mass psychosis hypnosis crowd, if bad orange man likes it it must be BAD) and yet MSM continues to label Sound of Freedom a QAnon fake. #SAVETHECHILDREN
WOW! 14.5MILLION tickets sold. IT’s no wonder, it’s a great movie!
Yes it is bitter sweet, they only do the sting once a year and no one on epstein’s list is ever indicted. I think all of this is slowly in process of changing for the better. Think of all the people suddenly wearing “ankle boots”.
Over 14.5MILLION tickets sold, great movie!
Waiting to see what this is all about….
Hmmm Wonder why Newsweek hasn’t ran any stories about Epstein Island?
Just maybe Epstein was caught and killed himself before he got a chance to crowdfund a movie to hide his own involvement like most pedo’s do?
How many trips did slick willy make to epstein island?
How many trips did Trump take??
You actually think Epstein killed himself?
He had broken bones in his neck, indicative of strangulation, the 2 cameras on his cell were apparently “not working”, and we are told he hung himself from this bed…
It is physically impossible to hang yourself when you can still touch the ground
Wouldn’t surprise me if epstein was living on his island, still sex trafficking children for the deepstate.
Use any doll you like Tom, where did Trump hurt you?
I was very hurt when Trump said he was going to build the boarder wall and Mexico was going to pay for. I was hurt more when the president of Mexico told him to shove that up his ass and laughed all why doing it. I was hurt it was just another or the lies he told us he was going to do…and didn’t.
Actually it didn’t "hurt"me one bit…was laughing too hard!
I have never heard that so I had to look that up. Apparently it is referred to as “partial hanging” and is common in prisons. Ok, I’d rather not have to research hanging anymore, lol.
Huuuge parts of the internet are propaganda… not saying what your post is about is… but jus’ sayin’ the webernet is a part of the DS Mockingbird lamestream media.