Originally Posted By: psabados
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Joe’s right
You want more business, take it to the agent. This is one where you have strong, confident and calm but not defensive. Someone try this at your next office meeting.
Zig Ziegler said the best way to make a sale is to take the all objections away. I'm sure everybody sales meeting is pretty much the same. Showing reports, maybe a piece of equipment used in an inspection. Talking about your SOP etc. While you're talking, 90% of those agents are in la-la land. Thinking about the next appt. lunch whatever. All they hear is blah-blah-blah.
Give them your opening funny and break a little tension.
Now you want their attention, make them think that they got you on the defense. Ask them HEY! Just what do you agents hate about inspections and inspectors! Whoa! An inspector in my office, at my meeting wanting to know what I hate. The sharks smell blood, feeding frenzy, inspector about to be shredded. And, oh boy be ready for it to hit the fan. It may start slow but it should heat up.
Gotta be cool. Listen to what they say. Pay attention to who has the most objections or complaints, they are your target later. Be agreeable, smile and a little condescending. Then ask, what do you want in an inspection. Again listen. Most likely the ones that will respond is your target. Be firm with any response, offer no bribes or anything that will get your butt into trouble. This is your time now, you have been given the opportunity to take away their objections.
With 10-20-30 or however many agents that are there, you may not get the loudest ones. But, a few are thinking, man this guy's alright. He's got balls. Get back to the complainers quickly, one on one. Try to get more input. If they want something illegal, then bye bye. Objections can be simple, like using the wrong words while inspecting. Problem vs. situation.
I will guarantee you, they will remember you. Hopefully you were listening to what they said. Any takers?
Sorry guys, probably should be posting elsewhere, but it seemed to fit