My BCAM has now been upgraded to a BCAM SD, and I’m happy to have it back.
This Zinsco panel is inside a condo. The heat signature doesn’t raise any concerns, but I thought it was interesting and decided to share it. It looks hot, but it’s really nothing I would consider “unusual.” What you see is the circuit for the heat pump.
They didn’t have a cover over the panel when they shot on the drywall texture. My wife has sold new panels to drywall companies for that. The inspector can tag it … and should.
Jeff. Don’t rely on the reticule temp to be exact unless you tune the camera’s emissivity to the material being scanned. It shouldn’t be off my more than a cople of degrees and is fine as an estimate, but not exact. Especially if the material is shiny metal (and there is a lot of that in a Zinsco panel, ain’t there :mrgreen: )