Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for making this post
My wife thinks I am the only inspector that does inspections on Sundays,
I tried to explain that I have to do them at customers convenience or lose it as I was already booked for next week
I have to admit I had a difficult decision to make, do the $350 inspection or go furniture shopping.
Now if there was a Nascar race on, it would be ok if I lost the inspection
Originally Posted By: aslimack This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I found a paper in an attic once that referred to an injury suffered by Lou Gehrig, complete with quotes from Miller Huggins. Tried to carefully remove it from the attic to check it out further, but it was too crispy and turned to dust. Think i remember it being 1932-33. (Not sure on the date)