Tiny Black Balls In Crawlspace

After a couple thousand FEMA inspections, you see it pretty quick.

Tasted like dirt

I did bring back a sample. You want me to send them to you?

Used to do some but IMO didn’t like the way I was trained to hinder the claim.

The crawlspaces flooded. The water carried the unknown black balls into the space. Recommend a licensed soil sample contractor or Environmental Site Assessment or “ESA”

They didnt pop like i would expect and egg to

I think i will refer to them as spheres…

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11459 Woodchuck Drive
Boca Raton, FL 33428

Maybe I’ll make some shrimp scampi, mix some up with the butter & garlic


Any synthetic turf fields nearby? Looks kind of like crumb rubber.


Not that i know of. I assume there would be signs of it on the exterior and the debris wouldnt be so uniform tho

I wrapped them in a wet wipe at the inspection. Hopefully that isnt an issue.

Oh shit. (Not everyone will get this).


I shared the picture with my neighbor who owns his own pest control company. He said he ran into this one time and it was finally determined that it was pokeweed seed. Nice apparently like it. I googled it and it says it is a possibility.

Upon closer examination of my sample i can see that they are moon shaped- not spheres. Like TINY mouse poop

Nah, mouse is a mammal, it would be a little twisted on one end like yours… … …


Good idea but definitely not seeds. They are soft like feces and are actually moon shaped upon closer examination.

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Not saying it IS mouse poop, just saying its a similar shape

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No, stop with the ESA crap, lol.


Full, waning or waxing?

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Seeds could become soft if saturated. I’ll be interested in the final verdict if you get one. Maybe a agricultural dept. could lend a hand.