Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would like to nominate Joe Hagarty as “Most changed member of the year”. Joe you have changed so much it’s scary. To bad you weren’t this vocal when you were actually in a position to make changes.
Originally Posted By: aslimack This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
cmccann wrote:
I would like to nominate Joe Hagarty as "Most changed member of the year". Joe you have changed so much it's scary. To bad you weren't this vocal when you were actually in a position to make changes. 
Originally Posted By: jpope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks Robert.
I've explained to Joe that my participation will be minimal due to the recent (almost overwhelming) upsurge of my business.
I will continue to support the committees to the best of my ability, however, on a relatively limited basis. I don't mind not being listed as an "active" member.
-- Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
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