Am I missing something with the TPRV venting? Isn’t it supposed to to visible to the end, terminating within 6 inches from the floor/drain pan? I’ve seen in my area the pipe sent through the wall to outside. Maybe I’m missing something–please advise.
*]Be first piped to an indirect waste receptor through an air gap located in a heated area when discharging to the outdoors in areas subject to freezing, since freezing water could block the pipe. Water Heater Discharge Piping mini-course for inspectors.
I see the same thing here in Georgia. Piped right through the wall at a straight angle. Most always in the basement. I call it and take the flack. I also don’t know how it passes inspection.
Had [size=2]one this week but it was also reduced to 1/2 inch and no expansion [/size]tank installed.
The expansion tank was still in the box in the corner. :oops:
Christopher, is that a Chicago area rule?
I don’t see freezing as even a remote possibility in California, even in the Sierras (or in Chicago, either for that matter) as the only water coming down the pipe is a boiling hot splatter, once in a blue moon.
If it’s new construction, I would make inquiries about locally accepted practice. Should be recycling that heat. :mrgreen:
Based on your very vague description, it doesn’t sound improper to me.
First of all, you’re in CA. IRC rules don’t apply. The termination is required to be between 6" and 24" off the floor - not “within 6”.
Secondly, unless your in an are that is subject to freezing temperatures, a “through-wall” termination is perfectly acceptable, so long as the termination (not the entire pipe) is visible.
Rarely will you see a discharge in CA that includes an air-gap or indirect waste connection/receptor.
Here’s what the hot water heater looks like. Where do I look to see if this is acceptable? I’ve already performed a search for CA plumbing code and I don’t find it. Thanks for the help.
It is very common here for the pipe to be routed through the wall. The pipe is usually ~ 8"-10" above grade and has a 90 degree fitting to direct the discharge towards the ground. I have seen plenty without the 90 degree fitting, which I would report on.
Here’s mine from yesterday. Not a good picture but the copper line went up and ended about 6-8 inches from the bottom side of the subfloor. Around here about 75% discharge to an exterior point, and almost always uphill.
Around here there are a lot of heaters installed in interior closets, under stairs, etc. that discharge into the crawl space below. In some cases the space is so tight that the pipe cannot even be seen.