Originally Posted By: David Suelflow This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Upon further review… after a little reading of past posts, here and elsewhere, I was thinking of something like this:
Double wiring of neutrals at neutral bus bar.
Current standards do not allow for this, however, it may have been acceptable at time of installation. Your panel does have a final inspection sticker by the authority having jurisdiction indicating it may have been acceptable at that time.
Multiple wires on one screw can lead to loose and/or overheating wires and other safety issues. This may also void the UL listing on the panel and thus its warranty.
Advise consultation with a licensed electrician to verify safety (in writing).
Of course, the sticker line would only be in there if there were one, however I would not mention the lack of a sticker.
Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If I’m not mistaken this issue was primarily covered by the manufacturers’ specs until recently, when the NEC finally stepped up and codified it. One way or the other this is not a new rule, just a frequently ignored one. I would suggest advising your client to have a qualified electrician correct it, not consult about it. I once had a sparky refuse to do this, even putting in writing that it was safe as it was. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes if anything bad ever comes of it.