Originally Posted By: rmoewe This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I inspected a house yesterday and when I would drain the spa tub (a big one) it would pull the water out of the toilet. It would not take all of it put would leave it at the top of the trap in the toilet. After it was at that level the toilet drain would gurgle. Can someone tell me how this happens? The bathroom is on the second floor and I was unable to inspect the drain lines. There is only a 2 inch vent coming through the attic for this bathroom. I know that it may be a vent problem, but would like to know how it happens.
Originally Posted By: pdickerson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am with Patrick. A 2" vent should be plenty adequate for the tub if it was working correctly. If there is a section of the vent that slopes incorrectly, it will fill up with rain water and trap the vent. Hard to tell though when you can’t see the pipes.