Unidentified Roof Material

Happy Easter fellow inspectors! The roofing material in the photo had a hard plastic feel to it. I’m unable to identify it. Could someone please help. Thanks.

May not be the exact product, but it gives you an idea of what’s available.


Agree with JJ. It’s some brand of a synthetic shake material. I would note it as such with a disclaimer of “Unknown manufacturer”…

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Looks like Oxford Metal Shingle roofing material from the photo.

For report ID purposes I’d just go safe and say, “composite shingle.” Maybe throw in another descriptor like plastic, fiber cement, etc. if you’re reasonably sure. There are some oddball products out there and we can’t be expected to know them all. The main thing is to not be wrong. Even just saying, “unknown,” is okay if you really don’t know.


I use that often in my reports Matt. We’re not here to know what everything we see is, but to describe what we see. If we don’t know, we let them know. :wink: