USDA inspections in VA

Originally Posted By: ddivito
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How many of you do these inspections? Are they offerred nationwide? These are not HUD or FHA

The USDA has a specific form they want filled out with vague wording about inspecting the major systems in the house. I've been told that they only want to know about items that may need rectifying after the buyer moves in. They want to avoid the buyer/loan recipient defaulting on the loan. These loans are made to low income people.

Otherwise they only want a general, visual energy audit checklist. Other noted exceptions are to be noterdd at the bottom and on a second page if needed.

How do you handle the major systems side of the inspection?

Originally Posted By: pcarter
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I do the USDA Rural Development inspections in S.E. Kansas, the only thing I don’t like is when the realtor gets involved. The realtor will get a roofing contractor to inspect the roof and then call me to inspect the attic for proper insulation and check out the HVAC, electrical and plumbing. The problem develops is when the roofer doesn’t sign off on the roof and the realtor wants me to sign off the complete paperwork that includes the roof. Then the P*ssing and Moaning begins. If USDA rep contacts me for the inspection, its not a problem. I do not do more than what the report requires, my E & O doesn’t cover me for this. Oh, yes, I do take pictures and keep them in the file with a copy of the report in case of any trouble.

Patrick C.

Town & Country Home Inspection Services, LLC

(Serving S.E. Kansas, Cruising the 169)

Originally Posted By: chorne
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hi all,

I have not tried to upload an image for a while, when
I clicked on Img to upload the usda NH and Vt checklist
nothing happens. I have never had this problem. Is this
happening to anyone else?


Originally Posted By: ddivito
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Originally Posted By: ddivito
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This is the form USDA uses in Virginia.

They do not have a checklist and the person I deal with at the office says to do what I want.

How far do you go with looking at the structure, heating, plumbing etc and determining it is in "good repair"?