It’s a northern thing. Keep it
I’ve been lost a few times during winter trips to sunny Mexico. May have been tequila induced though!!!
6 to 10" a year is plenty enough for me. Looks pretty for a day or so and goes away. Enough to take away some of the Spring pest too…
It keeps the riff raff out.
“Damn Southerners !!!”
All of my clients are moving here from the north
Honestly, the snow isn’t the problem in Minnesota. We don’t get near the amount people think we do. It’s the damn cold! January and February we get week or two long stretches where it won’t get above zero and will hit -20 at night easily. I don’t know how those early settlers stayed here.
Good warm wife.
They tested the snow guns at the ski area today, fresh, clean mountain air.
Me on my way to an inspection in December…
Not interested in hearing my neighbor flush their toilet.
I lived in Minot ND for 5 years. I have a big respect for those rural farmers. It snows sideways…nothing but drifts and cold wind. Intensely cold wind.
Living at 6700ft in NM I know what it’s like to live in a mountain community. I’ll take the sandy toes thank you.
How about the sound of them scraping the ice off their windows or warming their car up at 5am in the morning. Don’t get me started on snow blowers in the morning.
Hey man to each their own. I’ll be thinking of you when the nor’easter or arctic vortex settles in….not!
There sure are a lot of folks moving here from the north east. Keeps my bank account happy
I’ve lived in Minnesota and Colorado, and if I had a choice I’d live next to a beach any day.
Where did you live at in MN Tony?
In Florida, we have a lot of Mfr Homes on crawlspaces, and some don’t have a lot of maneuvering room. I’m glad I got the crawlspace gloves from Inspector Outlet!
Yea, I have cheap roof gloves but the touchscreen-friendly fingertips are losing sensitivity fast. I’m thinking I should find some decent ones for use on the ground when I’m out in the sticks