Whatever you wish. A flow meter, if the right, one works well. A pressure test tells you little, one could have 60, 70 or even 100 psi with almost zero flow rate in theory. On other hand, many inspectors have managed to perform good inspection without one.
I see and test a lot of private wells. I don’t ever remember seeing one that did not have a pressure gauge installed somewhere on the system, usually right around the pressure tank and switch.
As for flow, unless you have the specs on the well casing and depth, you aren’t performing anything useful. You need to draw off anywhere from 150-300 gallons, maybe more, depending on the well itself. You need to empty the capacity of the well casing before you get any useful information. Lots of water to dump somewhere outside and not sure the homeowner would like that much entering a septic system or drainfield. Know the property or don’t flow test.
This subject came up in another thread, but its worth repeating. If you put water pressure in your report you should clarify the pressure is “static” water pressure measured at a specific location and at a specific time. Static pressure is what you get when NO water is running. Once a faucet is turned on in the system the water pressure will vary. Your highest reading will be at the point where the supply line enters the home and it will go down as you progress towards the open faucet. Its the difference in pressure that drives the water through the lines. The Darcy-Weisbach equation is the engineering formula used to calculate the theoretical pressure difference. The equation uses the pipe diameter, length of pipe, friction factor, flow velocity and viscosity of the fluid. The attached chart shows how pressure and pipe diameter influences the flow rate at the open faucet for a 100 foot section of pipe. Its the flow rate at the shower head or faucet that home owners care about. For example using the chart at 40 psi a 3/4" pipe will produce over twice the flow rate as a 1/2" pipe. On a municipal water supply the static pressure supplied to the home will vary with the water level in the water tower. On a private well the static pressure supplied will between the high and low settings on the well pump pressure switch. One other factor that influences the flow rate is gravity. That’s another reason why the flow rate may get worse as you go up to the 2nd or 3rd floor bathroom. So the point of this is DON’T predict or say the house gas good water pressure when you are referring to “Static” pressure and the buyer mistakes that for flow rate at the faucet, which is related to “Dynamic” pressure. If your are measuring flow rate at the well, it will vary at other points down stream in the plumbing system. So IMO you should take the extra step to educate your clients the water pressure or flow rate measurements are a snapshot in time at one specific point in the plumbing system. The flow rate at the shower head when the toilet is flushed is a perfect show and tell opportunity most people understand.
Might keep in mind that the bladder tank pressure is a significant aspect of the water pressure. If the pump cycles too frequently while under load, it may be an indication that it’s undersized or it may require filling or pressurizing. There’s a narrative for this in Report Host. Static pressure would be of little consequence but the fluctuation of active flow pressure might indicate you have a problem.
Could also be the wells run dry. EMSL has a broad spectrum water sampling test for wells which takes just a few minutes to gather. Pre and post conditioning is recommended.