Is this an allowed weatherhead? I’ve never seen one like it before.
Is this an allowed weatherhead? I’ve never seen one like it before.
Hi Mike,
I too have not seen one quite like that, it seems to be serving its primary purpose and keeping water out of the service entrance, but it sure looks all wrong, plus I can’t help but think that the conduit into the home is way too small for the conductors.
Maybe Paul or Joe can comment
Mike and Gerry:
I will try to help.
Looks like an old weatherhead that was used for Type SE “Service Entrance Cable” because of the opening for a screw or bolt, and if so are the service entrance conductors in a conduit or still in the old SE cable?
The service entrance conductors are supposed to be visible before entering the meter socket enclosure, can we see the meter socket and the rest of the installation such as the main and panelboard, etc.?
I feel like there are many more issues we need to discuss.
Hi to all,
good call on the SE cable I missed it from the photo, I am guessing that it was relocated when an addition was put on the home.
Looks like a Job for the Enhanced Electro Paul Abernathy Squad on all points everywhere!
Go for it and get the Enhanced Super Duper Inspection for the same price today
The drip loop looks wrong too - the splices are at the bottom of the loop.
I agree with Joe more pictures.
Unfused conductors are “inside” the structure.
Where is the panel?
Funny Man…lol…Always BUSTIN my balls fella…lol…
Anyway…looks to me like a SE Weather Head but what is NOT correct is the fact they dont mount onto conduit…they bolt to the wall and since it has conduit running from it…we cant see the connection point of this as it goes into the wall…
Now…considering it may be in pipe under siding…can’t really determine this from the images…Ok…where is the Meter Cab located…???
As joe said…need images of the panel location inside as well…otherwise I can give you the stock electricians thing…You need me to come and re-wire it.
Also the conduit looks way to small going into the wall and we need to be able to SEE this conduit…defer…defer…defer and have someone local get a close up look at it…
I see this quite often where the Siding (Vinyl, Aluminum, Stucco, etc…) is installed over the Service Cable.
Is there a specific code reference to address this situation?
**230.6 Conductors Considered Outside the Building.
Conductors shall be considered outside of a building or
other structure under any of the following conditions:
(1) Where installed under not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of
concrete beneath a building or other structure
(2) Where installed within a building or other structure in a
raceway that is encased in concrete or brick not less
than 50 mm (2 in.) thick
(3) Where installed in any vault that meets the construction
requirements of Article 450, Part III
[FONT=Times-Roman]size=2 Where installed in conduit and under not less than
450 mm (18 in.) of earth beneath a building or other
As always…
Thank you very much for your prompt response and assistance.
Yes, that’s what I see.
the 230.6 is more for classification of what is considered outside of a building when we are trying to consider if we need a Service Disconnect prior to the SE entering the dwelling…
With the issue of SE being placed under siding( subject now to damage even more )…I feel it is more of a 230.50 is the better call here…"Protection of Open Conductors and Cables Against Damage- Above Ground "
230.50 covers the protection for Type SE cables and the list gives us various types of wiring methods that can be used. Some of them allow the SE to be sleeved for that protection.
When any SE conductors are concealed behind any surface they present a problem if the system faults at a pole top XFMR.
From the picture I see a service drop connected to the service entrance conductors (service point) that are “concealed” behind the siding, that’s why I cited 230.6.
No problem…as you stated before among those issues I am sure we can pull ALOT of references to why it is wrong…in the end I think the best course of action is to refer to the local Electrical Contractor…and they can get a UP CLOSE look at the problem…
But most certainly a defer…defer…defer issue for the HI