Web site development??

I am starting out fresh and am looking at options for website development . Any recommendations ?:slight_smile:

Sign up to the conference help by Ben Gromicko on all the most popular programs. However after you most likely will go with one of the 2 most popular on the Home Inspection MB.
Each one will provide a website for you.
Here is the link in case you missed it.


Owned and operated by a home inspector who is #1 on all major search engines not just local but nation wide. Search any variety of home inspector terms for St. Louis but you can start here by typing in St. Louis Home Inspector. I am STL Home Inspection Services. Contractorofficepro will build you a professional logo and website which will be search engine optimized. Keep in mind you need a SEO expert to maximize your chances of being on page 1 of any major search engine. Any questions email me at billy@contractorofficepro.com and I will personally call you.

Congrats on taking the next step in your new endeavor as an inspector. How you proceed from here really depends on your abilities and how much time that “You” want to spend building a website. If you have the time, you may want to invest some of that time into building your website and save a few bucks. You will be asked to generate the content for your site anyway! “Make it Stand Out” this is “Your brand”.
I would suggest that you purchase the hosting, template and domain name. This gives you control over your website. Spend some time looking at templates, then pull the trigger. Wish you all the best!

Check out Home Inspector Pro. Dominic has been providing home inspectors with website services for years. He has helped most NACHI home inspectors get their websites to the #1 spot in their market area.
Check it out: http://www.homeinspectorpro.com/

Also, read the Inspector Website and SEO sections of Conquer: Marketing and Business Success for Inspectors.

Email me at fastreply@nachi.org and I’ll get you a copy of the book for free.

Take Nick up on the marketing offer & have them design your free logo.

Real easy to manage all your social networks in one place…

You guys it’s great that your linking together but remember what’s also very important is that you link to the big dogs. NACHI, HIP, HG, ISN and any other website that gets hit hard and is ranked well. Also remember to change you content every once in awhile and a new pic or two. And make sure your site is SEO for instance…

use <h1> tags for page headings, and <h2> for section headings… more to it than that :wink:

PS… Logo is very important to any business. It represents you. Look long and hard before making any decisions as to go free or not.