Weep holes over windows and doors

This is the first for me but I can the reason. Has anyone else come across this and why it was done? The photo is of a new construction.

carlos 003.jpg

If there is flashing behind there as there should be, then a weep hole (or holes) is necessary. What’s the point of installing flashing to control water, if there is nowhere for the water to go?

Do you have a diagram that shows how a window should be installed in veneer construction?

It may look out of place if the rest have wicks , but we are not seeing the rest.

I would worry if not every 24" though I think 36" is max allowed in some cases.

They may have left a larger slot due to lack of wicks since they are used to make up for all the spilled mortar which blocks the opening.

Recommend installing these - covers

Here are a couple examples:



And then you have contractors who just don’t install weep drainage. Above windows, where veneer meets foundation, nowhere at all…


What about the lack of backer rod and sealant joints that most window mfgrs. call for between the windows and bricks?

here ya go

You guys are great and I leaned allot today. I just don’t understand how after 2000 inspections this is the first time I have ever seen weep holes over doors and windows.:shock:

Barry, thanks for posting this.
When is a vertical expansion joint in brick veneer required?
I typically see these joints in commercial inspections with 30 ft walls that have about 42-45 bricks.

Best practices