This is a new build, never come across weep screed set above vehicle door/door/window for stone veneer. Install guides or screeds/stone i can find dont mention this at all. Anyone have information or thoughts to share on this?
I thought it was going to be an image of a car door. Man I have got to wake up.
It means the faux stone is a weeping veneer and advised by the manufacture.
Lets wait and see until others will chime in.
So far as im aware, this should be flashed and screed get installed lower. Managed to catch the PM and he said “Amish guys did it, its old school, we’re gonna cover it up” which i dont believe is correct.
That would be incorrect… (if their solution is going to trap moisture)
What is that trim material made of?
I would think the weep screed should be a “z” type flashing to flash the top of the trim as well.
Is it self adhered?
Trim is Hardie board, i check the 2 finished houses across the street, hey covered the screeds with mortar.
Z flashing is what i would expect as well. This just caught me by surprise. Wasn’t sure if something had changed with the way screeds are installed.
I’ve seen both weep screed + flashing and flashing only. I’m okay with either as long as the flashing is there. I’m not seeing Z-flashing in your picture…
Now practically speaking, with such a short wall section exposed and the little overhang above, you’re not going to get much water anyway, unless you are on the coast and get wind-driven rain alll the time.
I get wind driven ran and I’m no where close to a coast…