Originally Posted By: ysoltis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m in Maryland and would like to add well and septic to my inspection services. Anyone have any information to share about certification, or other comments?
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I leave that to plumbers and septic tank professionals…you know how many tanks you need to look at to get proficient to know what to look for? I don’t want that kind of liablity. I’ll leave that to someone that started out installing them, and now inspects them. I hire them as subcontractors…of course I don’t make any money on them, but I get the home inspection. Guys on here talked me into it.
Originally Posted By: vdisciullo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Maryland requires (MDE) that you take a 4 hour course to take water samples for analysis. The course is drinking water sampler certification. It is offered at different locations throughout the year. Check with your local health officials. I took it in May in Ocean city. There is no way around it. I'm an Environmental scientist by trade and have sampled wells and the like for years and still had to sit through the course......no big deal and it is free.
Maryland also reqiures, although it does not seem to be strictly enforced, that anyone inspecting onsite sewage disposal systems(septics) sit through a course titled Proper inspection of onsite sewage disposal systems. This is not a certification. It is just an informative course on the subject and you receive a certifficate that you attended the course and are put on an official MDE list. I know of many tank pumpers that perform inspections of some sort but havn't taken the course. However, they belong to NAWT (National Association of Wastewater Transporters) or NOF
(National Onsite Foundation ...formerly PSMA (Pennsylvania Septage Management Association). Both of these organizations are highly recognized in the industry and most experienced Septic system inspectors belong to one of these organizations. It is not a requirement but they offer excellent training.