Originally Posted By: Heath Brier Johns This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Some type of mold was growing on the window muntins, and the paint was bubbling and peeling. If this is condensation then what is causing it? The windows are only 4yrs old and are Pella windows.
Originally Posted By: bgentry This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It’s hard to be sure without seeing it person, but I had a brand new bay window in my house that wasn’t sealed correctly from the factory. The only way I knew it was leaking water into the house was when we had a bad storm with wind driving the rain directly against that window, the water couldn’t drain down into the wall fast enough and it pooled on the sill. Upon closer examination, I could tell where the water was leaking by the sealant by the slight discoloration at that spot. Just something to look for.
Originally Posted By: igompertz This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It’s hard to tell without being there but if I was going to guess, I think you may have 2 problems going on here. 1 is condensation forming on the window ( does it have an AC vent directed at it?) 2 oil based paint of the right type can be a great place to grow some types of mold.
Originally Posted By: troberts1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
based on the pictures and not being there to view it in person It is possible that there is no vapor barrier installed. It is possible that the sill plate is not sealed properly, I know that this sounds far fetched but I seen this to be the case on more than one occasion on new construction in my area.
Are the windows the same age as the home?
IF so did they wrap the window sills with tyvec or an approved vapor barrier?
Does the foundation wall and the sill plate have a foam insulation installed between them?
Was the window sealed with foam around them?
These are some of the things that I would look for, hope this helps.
Originally Posted By: dsmith1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If it was a more northern climate it would be excessive humidity in the winter condensing on the windows, even the best windows will get condensation on them if the interior humidity levels are too high.
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You won’t get a much more humid environment than Natchez Ms. Right on the banks of the Big Muddy. I have personally seen latex paint grow mold at an alarming rate. I would guess improper installation of the window. Even the best aren’t worth a damn if not well installed.