Below is a email conversation with a client. What do you think? What do you think the result will be?
Hello, here is my inspection. I did some research and I do not believe the
re-roof ever had a permit. I found permit for the addition roof but nothing
finalized for the Main roof. Whatever proof you get must have your address
and say re-roof. If has to be for the main house not the addition. Your new
roof for your addition has a finalized permit that is what you need for the
house. Plantation separates the permits as house or addition. Good luck. I
can change that issue whenever you can get proof the re-roof on the house
was finalized.
Mike Meeker
Hi mike
I will forward to my husband the entire house had a new roof, he is going to the city tomorrow am to get the information from city of plantation building.
Yes I am aware the entire roof was new but I could only find permit info for the addition. Check out
It may save him a trip to the Building Department. I advise he tries the phone first. Many times the people can be quite helpful on the phone. Good Luck. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I check the email all the time. The link will be able to show you what I found and what the city will likely have on file. Maybe the roofing contractor can help. A signed letter from them with an active license number of the company qualifier and the clip below written exactly as is would also be enough. Let me know if you need me to tell you how the letter from the contractor must be worded.
Thank You,
Mike Meeker
Meeker Industries, Inc.
What is the difference the entire roof was new and if you inspected this you can take picture for submitting. The last mitigation report we had done 2 years ago there was no issues not sure what the concern is and why on the last report we had done this was not a concern!
[size=3]The oir is extremely serious about these now and citizens has private auditors so now everything must be proven with this new 4 page form. Sorry for any problems this is causing.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Yes I understand but the form that we had to do was also detailed with pics. It’s my understanding that with an inspection of the roof the inspector can certified that this meets the newest updated codes! I do not want to pay you and have to pay another inspector for what you needed to do.
[FONT=Calibri]I am not sure if I told you why I need the info. A roof goes through numerous inspections when it is being built. If I was not there to see the different points of construction the only way to prove that it is CORRECT AND TO CODE is to have the city building official inspect it at the time of construction. I cannot tell by looking at it how it was constructed. Each phase must have been inspected to prove that it is to code.
[FONT=Times New Roman]So why 2 years ago did I get all the discounts for new roof?
[FONT=Calibri]The rules we must follow have changed numerous times in the last 2 years. If the main roof was done with a permit then you have nothing to worry about and the city will have the information you need to get the discount. The reason things are so strict now is because they were so lax in the past.
I have not heard back from her yet. What do you think the outcome will be. I will post the results. I am just curious if fellow inspectors feel as I do. :mrgreen: