But non-common factors seems to be common in construction.
Mathematically you are correct Bob, however, most people don’t use an engineers rule that measures in tenths and hundredths. When using a standard tape measure a 1% slope would work out to 1/8" fall per 12" of run. That’s where the extra 1/4" comes from. 5% would be 5/8" fall per 12" run, or .625" fall per 12" run times 10 feel equals 6 1/4".
5% of 10’ is exactly 6" on my construction master, but if you go 6" ÷ 10’=5/8"
Different ways of doing it.
10 feet is 120 inches. %1 of 120 inches is 1.2 inches. Times that 5% you get 6 inches.
What is so confusing? I’m confused lol
I can’t believe you took the time to explain how to get the WRONG answer. Forget the engineer’s rule. Percentage is always decimal (tenths). You are going to sit at the front of the class.
I apologize Bob, I got interrupted several times while typing my last reply. I was on a retarded F…ed up Shotcrete job for a pool and hit reply instead of cancel. My bad.
I was trying to agree with you on the non-common factor comment you made and my intention was to show how using a standard tape and fractions to figure percentage can mess up the math. Clearly I didn’t do a good job. I guess that’s what I get for trying to comment here, have a conversation with a pump operator, and argue with a dumbass pool contractor at the same time.
Besides, moving the class clown to the front of the class usually creates more distractions for the other kiddos. I will just go sit in the hallway until the
There’s no perfect answer. If the soil is sandy, water will seep downward faster and you’d want the roof runoff to discharge further away from the foundation. If it’s more impervious, like clay, it will tend to run downhill and sink seep downward more slowly.
The right answer varies with whoever writes the exam questions. You’d need an exam specific study guide to get the right answer.
David, you are asking the right questions, I predict you will do well in home inspections.
Keep it up and good luck!
Yes. Exactly. I just wrote the online proctored exam yesterday. I nearly aced it but a few of the questions were impossible. I think it was deliberately written to make it impossible to get 100%. Of course I say that because I wasn’t planning on anything less than 100% so I’m a bit annoyed.
I tried explaining to the proctor after the exam that some of the questions didn’t even show the correct answer as an option and she just shrugged it off and said not to worry because I did so well regardless.
@jdepiero thank you Joseph. Now if only I could find someone in Edmonton to let me shadow them. Do you know anyone? Maybe you can put in a good word. I’ve made some calls and so far I’ve heard they charge between $500 and $800 just to let me shadow for a day.
Unfortunately I d not know any inspectors in your area. I am surprised others want to charge you to ride-a-long! I pay my ride-a-longs! I have them do the grunt work, I direct them to take pictures, etc. It is a big help for me. Why should I charge them??
Best of luck, David!
Wouldn’t that be nice? I think it says a lot about a person who actually knows how to find value in participation of a junior or protégé. I’ll gladly pay for mentorship but I think I’d learn a lot more from actually doing the grunt work for an experienced inspector who understands that concept.
Unfortunately, not everyone out there is like Joe. Those people are getting few and far between. Kudos to Joe for doing that.
Glad to see I’m not the only one who was confused about this. Part of my conversation a ways back with Nick included the following:
The appropriate slope for a lot away from a house is _____________. 1 inch per foot every 6 feet – Makes no sense. Standard calls for 5” / 10’ other standards call for 6” / 10’
A few questions down as follows:
When possible, the minimum 6-inch fall in finish grade over a distance of _____ from the building (minimum 5% slope) should be exceeded and extended. 10 feet
And another:
The ground around a house should slope away a minimum of ____ inches within the first 10 feet. 6
It’s not that unusual to encounter trick questions in an exam, and I’ve never understood the reason. I’ve never done it. The point of the exam is to ensure that the student is qualified, yet it’s common to see questions that make no sense, or no answers that do make sense.
Just out of curiosity, are you South African?

Just out of curiosity, are you South African?
I’ve met people from South Africa and I’ve enjoyed a few movies about South African history. Does that count? Otherwise no, I’m born and raised Canadian and of Ukrainian decent so no connection to South Africa.