Can someone tell me what this component is, its underneath a condensing furnace, in the attic.
Condensate drain assembly
Condensate drain, very prone to leaking inside the cabinet. Picture 2 shows corrosion, did you pull the cover?
Thank you. What does it do? it looks like it has a plunger switch.
Sure did. I was hanging on to the trusses for dear life and standing on the V’s, no proper flooring in front of the unit. Rust stains was because a vent pipe above had a slow drip, had to be condensation. Thank you.[quote=“sbaker2, post:3, topic:194701, full:true”]
Condensate drain, very prone to leaking inside the cabinet. Picture 2 shows corrosion, did you pull the cover?
It’s a drain trap.
I’m not sure of the furnace brand and different manufacturers use different condensate drain traps.
That red part may be a connection for another drain hose location when the furnace is mounted in the vertical position.
When you have time, look up the model number and installation instructions just to become familiar.
I couldn’t tell the amount of “work space” from the photos so I thought I’d share this info on accessibility, just in case:
M1305.1 Appliance Access for Inspection Service, Repair and Replacement
Appliances shall be accessible for inspection, service, repair and replacement without removing permanent construction, other appliances, or any other piping or ducts not connected to the appliance being inspected, serviced, repaired or replaced. A level working space at least 30 inches deep and 30 inches wide (762 mm by 762 mm) shall be provided in front of the control side to service an appliance.