What is wrong in this picture!

I’m waiting…tell us what you see… :thinking:

Btw…Welcome Ryan! The forums are a great learning platform and hope you interact here.


Wow another one. What’s wrong with this picture? It is too close-up, we need to see the whole panel please.


This photo was sent to me which clearly doesn’t give a full picture. I guess he was wondering what was wrong based off what I could see…

And what did you come up with?


What is wrong in this picture!

The photographer was screw up.


I think the lighting is bad in that picture. :camera_flash:


Panel cover is missing.


Based on the photo the best I can come up with is that the photographer sucks.

Okay there are circuit breakers from different manufacturers.


Besides the 2nd and 5th breaker on the right side looking different I don’t see anything.

This is what I came up with.

Thank you for the welcome! As for the photo, I’m not really seeing much as others mentioned.

I am going to say part of the issue perceived is all the reds and blacks on separate sides.

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That’s all that I had noticed also. Mismatched Breakers

Need a better pic… either the red and black conductors are MWBC’s, and on separate breakers, or the red ones are splices to extend the wires from a junction box or solar/ generator system.

One would be wrong, the other prob not…

I’ve recently encountered similar. I did not see a problem. Am I missing something?

All those MWBC’s dont appear to have handle ties on the breakers. If one circuit trips, it should turn off both circuits so it doesnt overload the shared neutral.
I had one just like that recently as well.

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If one breaker tripped on a MWBC you only have one hot and one neutral. It would not overload the neutral.

A common means of disconnect was previously only required if both hot landed on one yoke if in a residential setting. Commercial was different.


Yes, thanks for that… I seemed to have forgotten that important part. Why do you say “previously”?

If it adds to the conversation, my panel was a commercial building.