Will the REAL bugmenot Stand up

I am not Raymond

I get tired of the wannabes that only wish they could be me.

I wanna be you. Can I be you? Seems like anyone can be anybody around here! :mrgreen:

Fer shur, fer shur… even Roy and Raymond get away with pretending to be home inspectors. Hahahahahahahaaa!

Who is bugmenot. Its not Raymond.

No, of course not. I am Raymond. And now that I think of it, I should get of Gil Strachan’s back, and go after that other criminal Gil Strachan. Boy, oh boy, I wish there weren’t so many Gil Strachans around. I fact, I wish there wasn’t so much of me around!

Darling I love you, but I really prefer Park Ave.

NACHI is the place be,
Inspectin’ is the life for me.

Must you always play Arnold. Playing a Pig is so easy, it must come naturally for you!

Oink oink!

arnold ziffel.jpg

Hi everyone.:smile:

I have logged in as gilstrachan using the information on the following site:


Go ahead try it yourself. We can all play Gil, Norm, bugmenot, Dave etc.
Have fun and try the others. Hurry now.

See screen shot below:

attachment.php?attachmentid=6783&thumb=1&d=1163079 053

I have changed the login password for user gilstrachan to avoid tampering. Ha, Ha, Ha.

			**Mystery Man**

Here’s a perfect example of how I was trying to throw everyone off. Makes sense, right? Post something negative about myself and no one will suspect it’s me.

But I’m not going to do that anymore. I’ve been warned and my account has been suspended for the afternoon. That’s why I’m posting under this one.

Raymond E. Wand

Not Raymond. “new user”

We’re on to you, whoever you are. The gilstrachan account is one of the many that Roy and I had control of earlier, but I see you’ve taken it from him.

Raymond E. Wand

Yes I know. I told you this on all your useless threads. Take a look.

This is what happens with people with small minds on the internet.

I don’t know who you are, but I know who you aren’t. You can’t be Gil, because he’d never stand up for me like that. He thinks I’m a complete idiot and an a-hole.

I am really Raymond. I’m only posting under a new username until my suspension is lifted.

Raymond E. Wand

Can’t stand up for somone who’s not there. :slight_smile:

Hoisted on one’s own petard Heh!

I don’t know who you are, but I know who you aren’t. You can’t be Gil, because he’d never stand up for me like that. There’s no way he’d know if I was there or not.

I am really Raymond. I’m only posting under a new username until my suspension is lifted.

Raymond E. Wand

Not Raymond Again :slight_smile:

You sure seem to think you know a lot about me.

Raymond E Wand

Stop posting if you want credibility