Wind Mit - Roof to Wall Attachment - Minimal Condition

Hey guys, I have 2 questions on some of the wording below. Any pics would be great. I couldn’t find anything on google about it. Thanks!

  1. What does blocked mean?
  2. What would be the reason for it to be done?

“blocked no more than 1.5” of the truss/rafter”

[quote=“Andrew Markuson, post:1, topic:238017, username:amarkuson”]
blocked no more than 1.5” of the truss/rafter

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It means that a shim(or block) should be installed.

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Here is an example of when one could be used. See how the strap is not installed right against the truss? They could nail a block between the strap and the truss to keep it tight. They dont want to see that strap more than 1.5" away from truss.


Ok, so theoretically they could pull the clip off the truss. Nail a 2x4 piece on. Then reattach the clip to the 2x4? Would this be a way to fix the issue that the installation in the concrete was incorrect?

Actually, It’s not required to block it… it just says it CAN’T be blocked more than 1.5" away.

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They could just install a properly spaced RTW connector instead.

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The Plans for many homes include instructions that if there is more than an 1/8" gap, that it should be shimmed or blocked.

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Interesting. Good to know.

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But we are talking about the wind mitigation report. There is no requirement in that report that anything must be blocked

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