When calculating the percentages of construction types all wall surfaces should be used. Simply use the wall length times the height ignoring openings.
Gable ends should also be included in the calculations.
I used the lineal feet of all walls and revised it per the above.
The insurance agent is telling me her inspectors always use S.F. area of floor.
Now she says she just got of the phone with Citizens and they say S.F. of floor area is acceptable.
What are you trying to prove that is that close? Who cares what her guy does? What does walls have to do with Floors? It would seem as if she needs a new guy you should suggest yourself with that part of the course clipped in an email to her You did it right tell her to submit it. She should not be reviewing you methods to start with.
Actually I did paste that part of the course in my first email response to her. She responded with what I put in my first post. My final response was: Can you give me the name and number of who you spoke with please? The main living room is bearing on masonry on the dining room side and on wood frame above the balcony. I am curious as to how they want to split that floor area.
I originally called it 60% masonry/40% Wood Frame. In reality the wood is more than that. It is a 2 story structure. Vaulted ceiling joist goes from 8’-0" high masonry wall up to 2nd floor wood beam.
Although I was sure calculations were not based on S.F. this was a good refreshment lesson for me because I originally thought it was L.F. of wall, now I know it is S.F. of wall surface area and that will include much more wood frame given gable wall area.
When faced with this question from an agent I usually use a large atrium type situation -
If the house appears to be two stories from the outside but the upstairs portion is open air it will not be included in the square footage - I have seen where the whole front elevation is half frame and half block - the footprint on the public appraisers site would not reflect this at all, but it would clearly not be 100% block by any definition.