Originally Posted By: jcooper2
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I recently conducted this inspection on a cedar sided "expansion" home in Juneau Alaska. Since it was built on a mountainside, instead of expanding OUT they expanded up. You can see where they replaced a lower roof over the first floor, and didn't bother to replace the deck that was there. Mind the first step!

My question is on the window. None of the windows in the home show any evidence of flashing or any trim. Just the window frame extending beyond the sidinge, which is tongue and groove on a diagonal. There is silicone caulking where the siding meets window frame. I also saw no evidence of leaking around the windows, but there was some evidence of deterioration of the caulk. Should there be trim? These are Anderson vinyl clad windows.


Originally Posted By: five.five
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

that first step is a doozie. icon_eek.gif

I think you may have answered your own question.

You may want to note on your report there is “None of the windows in the home show any evidence of flashing or any trim.” and that “no evidence of leaking around the windows, but there was some evidence of deterioration of the caulk.” Inspector recommends licensed, capable contractor review window installation to prevent possible leaking deteriorating in the future"…or something like that.

Good luck !!!


Originally Posted By: srowe
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.


Go to the andersen website as all of their windows have specific installation instructions. If not installed correctly, the warranty will be void!

I have done many moisture intrusion inspections dealing with Andersen and none were installed to manufacturer's specifications. Most of the windows in my area require 1/4-1/2" silicone bead around window frame.

Check here for at Andersen

Good luck!