Okay all you Canadian WEPP guys–here’s one for you. I inspected a home with the wood insert pictured. To prevent drafting in the original chimney (A stove pipe was installed with the insert), the installers stuffed insulation around the stove pipe, making direct contact with the pipe. I think this is a hazard, how about you?
Hell yes, Fiberglass insulation is combustable.
:-kThe MSDS for Owens-Corning says it isn’t, and glass has a melting point of around 2500 dF. Please explain.
(I’m a newb - just would like to know where you’re coming from)
2 inch clearance ,besides that I think I see a paper backing in the picture.
Fiberglass insulation isn’t flammable, but the formaldehyde glues that are used to create it can pose a significant hazard. Not only is off-gassing a problem, but the formaldehyde glues can create noxious fumes if your home ever catches on fire.
If it will ignite it is flammable. The insulation that is not is Roxul but even it can’t be used in this installation.
It is Non-combustible
Has a flame spread of zero
Smoke development of zero
And will shrink at 1200F(650 C)
FYI it is WETT Wood Energy Technical Training.
Thanx for our help! Will read the documents suggested.
This is not a fireplace insert but is considered a “hearth mount” of a regular wood stove.
I’m not too concerned about the fiberglass but of the overall installation- the fireplace damper should have been removed and replaced with a “blocker plate” with collars for the connection to the stove and the stainless steel liner required for this stype of installation :
Is there proper protection for any combustible floor within 18" of the loading door?
Is there a wood mantel that needs radiation protection for the protruding portion of the stove out side the facing brick?
Was the chimney swept and relined as mentioned above?
The flue connection looks wrong.
It must be a direct connection, that looks like a bend before the insulation liners.
National Fire Protection Association Code 211, requires that all fireplace/woodstove inserts (unless otherwise specifically listed) be installed with a direct connection from the insert to the first flue liner…
I can not see the photo well.
The firebox looks to close to the chase.
If it is zero clearance flue than it needs no clearance.
This is a big issue with fire place inserts and liners.
Inserts that have been installed with the chimney not being properly processed first.
Cleaned thoroughly.
Every inch of the throat, smoke shelf if there is one and liners being cleaned properly.
It is not cheap and hence forth the reason behind cheap installs. To reduce cost BUT AT WHAT EXPENSE.?
Leading cause of insert fires. Not cleaned before the install.
Good call out HI.
Sorry Kevin, you’re absolutely right–my fingers were typing faster then my brain was working. WETT, and I wish we had something similar in the US.
I don’t inspect wood stoves. I disclaim the fireplace and flue and recommend that the buyer get a copy of the stove manufacture’s instructions and that the fireplace and stove be professionally inspected. For all you know, the seller’s will take it with them when they leave.
If the stove door opens over the floor or too close to the floor, I call that out.
Don’t be!
Kevin’s fingers were typing too fast also…
WETT stands for Wood Energy Transfer Technology and not Wood Energy Technical Training ;-).
Sorry the Schooling is Wood Energy Technical Training
The company is call Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc.
So your title is Wood Energy Technician.
Why they even had to make this confusing I will never know but there is allot more confusion than just this when you add in the new requirements of SITE BASIC
System Inspection and Technical Evaluation