Originally Posted By: cmccann This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I got a brochure in the mail from a course sponsored by Purdue University.
The course is for one day on March 21st from 8am to 5pm with a certification examination following. The certification is needed for Indiana licensing. The course will cover,
Wood destroying pest biology
Foundation construction elements and inspection principles
Termite control practices and evidence of past treatment
Managing government real-estate inspection forms
I have know idea if the course is good or not, but I have heard good things. The cost is $90.00.
For registration it says to contact,
Robin Bell
Conference Division
Stewart Center Room 116
128 Memorial Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Originally Posted By: mbartels This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have heard very good things about the Purdue course. It is a national benchmark. I worked for an extermination company for a whole 2 months years ago and it was offered there. I never took it but heard from the office and field employees that it was the best.
Originally Posted By: bgentry This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Chuck… while you’re there, look up the local re/max office and say hi to my mom. I grew up in Lafayette. You’ll be about 10 minutes from my high school.