Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Contact our member/trainer. His name is Barry Stangel, and he has a dynamite pest management training school. He’s also a consultant to the NY DEC. He’s a featured speaker at the upcoming NACHI convention in Fla.
He's listed on our site under featured inspectors (though he's not one).
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: Kenneth Sitzes This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Purdue University has a class on line It called Pest Management Correspondence Course it cost around $300.00 for it.You will be certification in Termites & Wood-destroying Pest. For more info.
Call 800-830-0269 ask for the continuing education office.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Purdue University has an on-site 1 day training course in WDI inspections that is offered twice a year (spring & fall). They also offer a 3 day WDI Applicator course (pest treatment) twice a year (spring & fall).
The classes are offered on their Structural Pest Control Training Center at Purdue's West Lafayette, Indiana campus (about 3/4 mile off campus by the Golf Course). GREAT PROGRAM - Great PRICE's ($90 / $350).
I'm on the Kansas / Missouri state line. In Missouri they have a WDI Inspectors license (the 1 day course would be great in a situation like that). In Kansas there is no WDI Inspectors License, so if you want a license you have to get licensed as an applicator (the 3 day course).
Their phone # for info is (765) 494-4567 (Drew Martin) OR (765) 494-2402 (Robin Bell). They're considered the Rolex of WDI Training Programs
and the have sample foundations (slab, crawlspace, basement) on the site.