Wood framing on gravel

This is a shed at a house I inspected. Its used as storage and I could not get inside. I was able to see under one corner of the shed and realized this was wood framing on gravel. Is there any situation that this can be proper building practice?

It’s just a shed. Most are just sitting on the ground.

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It’ll deteriorate…especially white wood.

Even PTW foundations are on… well… pressure treated wood on washed stone not gravel.


Looks like its elevated mostly.
Can the rest of it be cleared out, so none of the framing is touching the ground?

No, I dont think that would be practical

Yeah, looks like classic untreated wood to earth contact. Granted, gravel will rot it out slower than wet soil but it’s still a bad building practice. Being that it’s just a storage shed I personally wouldn’t yell and scream about it but it might be worth a mention.

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Being that it’s a storage shed, I too would mention it, but not as a problem that would affect the home/ main structure that the client is buying. Many times, my clients’ state that they are taking them down for various reasons.

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