WTF - Big Time Ice Dam

Maybe recommend qualified contractor check the attic insulation?


Maybe some free advertising??? :thinking: :joy:


This is why we avoid gutters in Minnesota!!

Huh? Gutters are highly recommended in MN.

Only by Gutter and Roofing companies!
Ever wonder why older homes don’t typically have them?
Now you know!

90% of homes I inspect have them, both old and new.

Interesting? Living in the South where “ice dams” are mostly associated with beaver ponds. Many older and even newer homes don’t have gutters…even though I recommend that they be installed for water diversion.

Funny how many inspectors don’t realize that gutter systems have not been Code required until fairly recently, and still aren’t in many areas!

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On a related note, gutters don’t cause ice dams.


Never said they did, but they sure increase the problem with them, and cause a hell of a lot of damage when you have them (ice dams)!!

That’s why I didn’t reply to you with my statement.

I think they’re advertising their refrigeration capabilities which obviously includes roofing :wink:

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The International Residential Code (IRC) does not universally require gutters for all homes. However, it does provide guidelines for their installation if they are used.

P2912.5 Roof gutters and downspouts.

Gutters and downspouts shall be constructed of materials that are compatible with the collection surface and the rainwater quality for the desired end use. Joints shall be watertight.

P2912.5.1 Slope.

Roof gutters, leaders and rainwater collection piping shall slope continuously toward collection inlets and shall be free of leaks. Gutters and downspouts shall have a slope of not less than 1/8 inch per foot (10.4 mm/m) along their entire length. Gutters and downspouts shall be installed so that water does not pool at any point.


Its the architecture of the second floor and attic. As well, likely the eaves are blocked.
Lord only knows what they will find in those spaces.

A much better approach would be to seal air leaks into the attic, and increase attic ventilation. Adding more insulation will not solve ice dam issues in most cases.


The icicles give it that wintery, classic cold look

A paint job would certainly help improve the curb appeal though.

I didn’t know you could paint icicles. Learn something new everyday.


Must be ‘Dry Ice’!! :wink:

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It’s really a lost art form. :wink:


It’s probably a weed grow house.