You guys ever lose sleep at night?

Sorry, Charley, but your ship was deceased long, long ago, after it made it through the Great Flood, and all the animals got off, two by two. :mrgreen:

Have a Great Vacation!!

Awakening at 3AM allows me time to reflect and sort out loose ends from my non-stop 12 hours days managing 3 small service businesses - and realized one recent witching hour in horror that I had inspected the wrong house.

I definitely share those feelings. It is not uncommon to come home after an inspection and realize that I forgot to check on an important item. I had an agent who decided she had to leave for an appointment before I was done. Upon driving home, I realized I had not been in the attic. I asked permission of the home owner to come back and found a serious rat infestation. Glad I went back!

I am growing accustomed to using this technique as well. Peace and quite is important and I feel that I benefit from looking over the reports after a good nights rest before sending them off.

Frank Rotte writes:

OMG… ME TOO! This is unbelievable. I can’t believe you posted that. It is so true. I can’t freakin’ get to sleep before a concrete pour, I’m up all night and then exhausted after the pour. Wow. Everything else in construction is totally pressure-less. Work at your own pace, and for safety, that’s usually a slow pace. Concrete is the exception.

Regardless of how prepared I am, I can’t get to sleep. I have a foreman who calls for concrete in the morning for the afternoon and then starts forming. Drives me nuts.

I do not believe there is any good reason not to be able to amend your report shortly after it is delivered. Certainly within the next 24 hours.
An email stating the issue and saved to a pdf for your files should do the trick.
Unless I am missing something (No pun) there is no reason to lose sleep. Making a note and knowing that you can send an addendum in the morning should be just what the doctor ordered.

You may want to listen to your gut and just nix the same-day report delivery until you’re comfortable. I deliver the report the same day, but didn’t start doing that until I was comfortable that I’d developed consistent on-site methods and comfortable with the software.

Good advice Kenton,

And it’s true… at least for me, I approach all buildings the same way, res, multi, commercial etc. IMO, inspection methods should allow for the physical process of such as well, inspecting upstairs before downstairs to help leaks become apparent, post running water through fixtures… when you notice defects or installation mistakes, making note of them to compare to areas on interior and attic etc…