Z bend flashing?

Am I missing something here or do the windows need a z bend flashing over the tops. Theres no other way this could be correct or is there ?

If the vertical distance from the bottom of the eaves to the top of the trim is more than one-quarter of the horizontal overhang of the eave you need a flashing. From here it appears that it needs a flashing or drip cap.


Properly installed “new constructuon” windows that come with a nailing flange don’t need a Z flashing because the flange takes care of that. On replacements that don’t use a flange you want the z flashing because the caulking will eventually fail. Yes, long overhangs help.


So no flashing is required on these if they are original windows ?

Correct, Simon saved me some typing. LOL

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Lol ok thanks guys

If they have a nailing flange, then you don’t need a flashing; it has nothing to do with windows being original.

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Thanks for the prior post, Marcel. (vertical distance from the bottom of the eaves)
Question remains. How can home inspectors determine if the window is flanged or flangeless?

How does one determine if there’s a nailing flange if it’s hidden underneath the sheathing?

You get your crystal ball out of your tool pouch…

If the sheathing or siding material is covering up that nailing flange than how are you are to determine it’s a window with a nailing flange? I’m asking how you specifically identify it.

You would have to look at the inside frame of the window to see if it was screwed into the framing. Thats really the only way. If no fasteners are visible than it would most likely be a new construction window that has a nailing flange. The windows on the particular house in my pictures appeared to be from the original build in 1989. Many had issues and no fasteners were visible

One way would be a Zircon metal scanner.

So my questions would be:

  1. What year did new construction start installing windows with nailing flange?
  2. Is this a requirement now?
  3. if they’re are really no simple ways of determining whether a window has a nailing flange than how do you write up windows that either have caulking or not?

1- I’m not sure when, but I know for over 25 years.
2- Nope! It depends on which windows they installed.
3- Always recommend sealing around all openings.

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Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t. Having the window’s manufacturer sometimes help.
That one in the picture doesn’t have a flange and I recommended installing a flashing but I’m sure it won’t get installed.

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Gosh, Marcel, that one looks like the whole window needs replacing, not just adding head flashing. LOL!


You are right, below is my comment in the report for those windows:
Budgéter pour remplacer les vieilles fenêtres.

Yep! Replacement.