Insurance company needs more than 4 point inspection
I’ve had a couple of Insurance Companys claim that Citizens requires a supplemental Electrical inspection that requires a licensed electrition. the first one i challanged the agent that this is not required and they should submit the 4 point inspection just as it is and to call me if Citizens does in fact need it. i never heard back from the agent and the follow up with the customer was that they got their insurance. i got a call today to do an Electrical inspection only although he already got the 4 point done… Anyone know about this?
Use the Nachi 4 point form and you do not need the electrical, it is included.
Thanks John,
I do use NACHI’s form. I did call Citizens and the agent believes they (Insurance Broker agent) are confused. He said if there are any deficiencies that need repaired then it would need to be repaired by a licensed electrician. We’ll see