4 point inspection requirements for roof photos

I have a situation where I performed a 4 point on a home, specifically one with a metal roof. I took all of my photos from the ground of every slope of the roof as I always do for metal roofs because I do not walk them for safety and liability issues and submitted the report. I have always done it this way for my entire time as an inspector(6 yrs.) without issue.

Citizens is now coming back and stating that they require all roof photos to be taken from the top of the roof no matter what type of roof it is and unless they get them they will cancel the clients insurance. I went back to them through the insurance agent because they won’t speak to us and stated no where on their form does this requirement exist and even if it did their are safety issue involved but all they did was reiterate their requirement.

Have any of you run into this and if so how did you handle it?


There is no before…

Hi @vmachnig! Hate to hear you’re having troubles. Do you know anyone with a drone by chance?