Abandoned property inspection. Scam?

I got a call today from a guy who “works at a bank” wanting to know if i can do and inspection, the purpose of which is to state that the home is unoccupied or vacant. It not anything I would do, but it does feel like someone is trying to take a property over or squat to take a property over. Feels like a scam is a brewing. Anyone else ever get this type of inspection request?

Robert, it sounds like a drive by photo inspection to see if the property (banked owned) is being occupied. I would inquire a little further to see what they are requesting. It may be legit for nominal pay, but might be worth looking into further.
JMO… :wink:


Nominal Pay being about $25 for this type of “Field Services” inspection/survey.


If I’m on my to the grocery store, and it’s on my way, I’ll take $25 bucks to help pay for bread and mayo … :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


I have done a few of these before. The biggest thing working with banks is they do not want to pay full price. Do not budge on your price, go higher than normal cause its going to be a mess. The first thing is make sure you make it clear you need payment 72hrs before the inspection, or they pay half for backing out.
Should be in your signed agreement.

There is one company out there that pays $15 per job. Take 5-6 photos. I took a few in the beginning, but have told them since that I don’t roll over in bed for that. lol
I asked them once if they have any idea of distance and time. All told, lucky to make 5 an hour after expenses. I don’t like making it about the money, but has to be at least financially smart.

Occupancy checks (certainly not inspections) used to be huge during the 2008-2010 meltdown. They pay peanuts, and might be something you want to do if you’re not busy, that’s up to you.

Prepare for some angry confrontations with occupants if you do them…

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I only did one, because only once, was a bank willing to pay me what I demanded. I met a sheriff deputy at the property. The occupant would not let us look around, but as we walked away, we both commented that the property had all the look of a hoarder.