"Advanced Training for Inspecting HVAC Systems for Home Inspectors" online course

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Because dust, dirt, and grime all converge to create an insulating layer on that coil. As such, that layer of dirty makes it harder for the coil and the refrigerant evaporating within it to draw heat out of the air passing over that coil. This causes the system to work harder than it should have to, putting strain on that system, increasing wear and tear, driving up cooling costs, and potentially putting the system at risk for damage.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Because dust, dirt, and grime all converge to create an insulating layer on that coil. As such, that layer of dirty makes it harder for the coil and the refrigerant evaporating within it to draw heat out of the air passing over that coil. This causes the system to work harder than it should have to, putting strain on that system, increasing wear and tear, driving up cooling costs, and potentially putting the system at risk for damage.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an American Standard. It was manufactured in January 2008. It is a 14 SEER split AC system. Upon inspection. High pressure was warm to normal limits. The low pressure was cool to normal limits. Minimal condensation was noted. No rust was noted. No leak noted. Filter was clean. Coil was clean.

Research & Writing Assignment:

According to InterNACHI code of standards, we are supposed to inspect the evaporator cooling system of the air condition system. Evaporative coolers are also known as swamp systems. Evaporative system works best in dry climate were the humidity is less than 50%. The system consists of a box like structure that has an absorbing membrane like a sponge that is constantly soaked with water from on board sprayer. The fan blows on to the membrane releasing cool air reducing the air temperature 15-40 degrees.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In A Heat Pump Refrigeration Cycle, you have two sides in which the pressure of the refrigerant gas is changed. Higher pressure resulting in heat and lower pressure resulting in cooling. In a heat pump system we can change where heat is drawn from and directed to, either inside or outside by way of a valve. The two primary components which determine the pressures of the gas at different stages is both the compressor and expansion device.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Clogged air filters prevent air flow through a cooling system. One of the things I learned from this course was that a system that has restricted air flow does not put an extra burden on the fan motor but actually does not use that motor to the potential it was meant for. The instructor used the example of work on a pulley to describe the movement of air by the fan motor. The more weight on that pulley, compared to a fan moving air at a rate it was designed for, remove the weight is the same as clogging an air filter the fan does not work harder as it is not moving more air but less. Interesting!

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

A horizontal attic installation of a HVAC unit with air flow from right to left. A condensate pan with an overflow switch and PVC gravity forced drain lines installed. The Evaporator coil or blower are not reasonably accessible for inspection.

The furnace has four direct injection burners with induction draft. There was limited visibility of the heat exchanger through the burn ports with <5% inspected. The electrical cut-off switch was located in sight of the unit. There is no access cover switch.

Research & Writing Assignment:

The limitations of home inspectors to fully assess a system, based on the SOP, within a home often is a factor with air conditioning installations. The physical location of the interior system can limit access, along with unit specific characteristics such as taped access panels. In such cases, reporting can only include visual observations of electrical connections, condensate pan, drain, ductwork and any abnormal physical conditions and/or sounds. Function is evaluated based on the response to the thermostat control and the measured temperature drop. Recommendation for further evaluation must be made based on the age, visual and functional information along with the judgement of the Inspector’s. Calling out for further evaluation by a qualified technician, as a precaution, is not likely to jeopardize the transaction.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a picture of a 1990 yr / 150,000 BTU/ Rheem 80-90% efficiency furnace.
We are seeing the glow plug ( brightly lit ) and ignition of the burners.
It was noted during inspection that the burners and blower were operational. Typical lifespan of a furnace is 16 to 20 years. This furnace is functioning but is nearing the end of its useful life cycle. It is recommended that it be cleaned and certified by a qualified HVAC contractor before closing.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This home was heated by a Carrier natural gas furnace, model number 58STA090-16 which is 16 years old. The unit was located in the laundry/utility room of the home. This furnace has an approximate heating capacity of 90,000 btus. The galvanized steel venting system appears to be in good condition. There was no measurable level of carbon monoxide detected during the inspection.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I read about AFCI breakers. It is very important to explain the distinct differences between an AFCI breaker and a GFCI breaker and or receptacle. The perspective buyer should understand that a GFCI receptacle or breaker can be reset once the device has been removed from a wet source versus a tripped AFCI breaker should be further evaluated by a qualified electrician before resetting.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The image shows the filter drier and 2 refrigerant lines connected to a 2 Ton Ruud A.C. Unit. The unit was manufactured 09/2004 in Ft. Smith, Ark. Installation date at residence is unknown and has been idle since early 2006. Suction line insulation is missing almost entire length of line. Insulation is present at end of line as it enters wall, but is underneath line and has deteriorated. Filter drier, while present in refrigerant line, has missing label and lacking information needed for replacement. Both copper lines are somewhat dated, but appear functional.White paint appears on both lines. A qualified A.C. professional should be consulted for further evaluation

Research & Writing Assignment:

When inspecting vents (Type B or Type L), there are a number of items that must be considered. First, corrosion and deterioration on the exterior wall should be an indication of a breakdown of the inner wall. Missing connectors, lack of correct fire stops and chimney caps will help to expedite potential defects. The correct height and clearances, both vertically and horizontally must be met. (2ft.10ft.) Interior structure members (rafters and joists) should not be altered or changed to allow for passage of the vent, All electrical and plumbing components should not interfere or come in contact with vents. Certain types of vents have stricter installation requirements, which are mandated by the manufacturer. Inspectors can make certain suggestions to prevent any potential future problems and consider having their clients consult with a qualified HVAC professional.

Research & Writing Assignment:

20% of all burns are from scalding . Anti scalding valves or mixing valves are designed to balance the hot and cold water pressure differences thus avoiding dangerous sudden temperature changes that can result is burns or falls . This is most noticeable while someone is showering and a toilet is flushed . A tempering valve can be installed behind bath or shower wall. You may also find this valve installed just above a water heater which services the whole building.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I chose the article on Backdrafting. I learned that while preforming a backdraft test, the inspector can safely use a smoke pencil or a chemical puffer. Also the inspector should ask their clients to turn on all appliances that vent air into the outdoor to simulate worse case conditions.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that arises from incomplete combustion of fuels such as natural gas, oil, and wood. The use of carbon monoxide detectors in areas throughout the home can help detect and alert occupants to the presence of its danger.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The gas furnace has significant rust underneath the burners. The heat exchanger shows evidence of rust were visible. The bottom floor of the furnace cabinet is rusted along with the outer edges. Further evaluation by a licensed HVAC contractor is recommended.

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Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a picture of a coal fired forced air furnace with the cover removed prior to installation. The holes on the top are the heat exchange tubes. The heat exchange tubes go through the burn chamber and air is pushed through them using a standard furnace fan. The air picks up the heat by circulating through the pipes. This furnace has a 180,000 Btu output. The coal is fed automatically when the thermostat calls for heat and it returns to an idle state when there is no demand. This particular installation is used in tandem with an oil furnace for when the coal is not in use.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I looked at a picture of a Btu. A Btu is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. This is important because it gives us a standard by which to rate the output of heat of a furnace as well as compare one furnace to another. It also gives us a number to properly size a furnace for the space it is needed.