Affordable moisture meter

Just wondering what type and brand of moisture meter you guys suggest for a home inspector that is just starting off? I was thinking to go with the Klein pin less model

Welcome James! Here is a thread from a little over a year ago. It may be of some help. Also, if you use the “spyglass” at the top of the page, just type in “moisture meter” and select all categories. You’ll find a lot of threads on this.


I bought a very similar model to this one 20 years ago and it still works like new.

Tramex MEP Moisture Encounter Plus Moisture Meter -


I bought the one at your Amazon link about 8 years ago. Right at the start of the plandemic it stopped working correctly I sent it to Tramex in Ireland and they fixed it and returned at no charge. No issues since we also have another Tramex model and a Surveymaster that we use frequently.


A Tramex has been on my Christmas list for a few years. I’m pretty sure I have been on Santa’s naughty list.:roll_eyes::smirk: Guess I will have to just get one myself…

Not too many companies have that kind of customer service anymore. Very nice.


Ireland is being invaded by illegal immigrants (just as we are, thanks to the WEF, NWO objectives), there is a severe housing crisis there. If you want any of their products, you may want to invest now.


On another topic, but speaking of customer service (CS), I had a similar experience with my Seek IR device Also purchased 8 or 9 years ago). It is very compact and has 320x240 resolution. It crashed on me after a few years ago. I sent it back to them and they fixed it and returned at no charge. I use my Seek IR device daily in the attic, under typically very demanding conditions here in south Florida.
I didn’t experience the same level of CS with Flir, I use Flir equipment daily on inspections too.


I used that one my entire career and it went when I sold the business…excellent product. :+1:


James, welcome to the InterNACHI forum community. Pleasure to meet you. Keep asking questions.
Klein Tools ET140 Pinless Moisture Meter for Non-Destructive Moisture Detection in Drywall, Wood, and Masonry; Detects up to 3/4-Inch Below Surface.
A low-cost tool to give you a “general idea” what areas are comparatively dry vs. moist vs very wet.
over 4,000 reviews. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
As your business gains momentum, purchase a better model. Tramex, made in England or Delmhorst made in USA for example.

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Tramex is located in Ireland. Not sure where they make them.


That was my plan thanks for the advice.

Thanks for all the responses. Very helpful bunch :+1:t2:

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Since you said “affordable”, and the only responses you got were over $500, :wink:
This one is decent. I have had several of these, and they actually work quite well for basic home inspections. (drywall, plywood, block, etc). Extech MO55 – Combination Pin/Pinless Moisture Meter : Industrial & Scientific

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Did having several of them add up to near $500?

May not have been what you meant. :man_shrugging:

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Well, I have had about 3 now, because the power button seems to go bad after about a year and a half…

So, over time, it would be better to buy the Tramex :rofl:


For a starter tool, the Klein moisture meter is good AND affordable.

You have to be careful with the Klein though because any metal embedded in the drywall like corner bead, or behind the drywall like steel plates used to protect wiring in wall studs or truss plates can give a “wet” reading when it’s actually dry.


Good points.
False positives is a nascence even with more costly moisture meter…

That is not just a Klein tool issue. Is there a surface meter that does not give the false reading?


Not likely. As far as I know, all pin-less models use the same technology - generating an electro-magnetic field and measuring its strength through the material versus known values for materials. For example, ‘dry’ drywall is X and soaking-wet drywall is Y. Then, X becomes 0% and Y becomes 100% moisture content reported by the meter.

The pinned models generate a voltage between the two pins and then measure the resistance (again, comparing that resistance to known values for materials).

Both types of meters can be fooled by the presence of other types of materials, most noticeably metals, affecting the readings. The pinless models detect broader and deeper into the material, which has both pros and cons. The pinned models detect narrower and shallower (primarily at the surface) into the material, which has both pros and cons as well.