Originally Posted By: jcampbell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Does anyone know of a method to test for potential radon at an undeveloped, empty lot… I have a contractor whose client is concerned with Radon, but wants to know if radon is present prior to purchasing and building…
i suggested just spending a few hundred extra dollars and have some passive mitigation systems installed during construction, test after, if high, turn the systems on... add the fan etc... but she does not want to mess with any potential radon...
Anyone have any thoughts i can pass along?
We have discussed a temporary structure, air tight (more/less) built on site to have a test done...
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Jeff,
I believe that in your area the natural background level for Ra runs at around 0.5 pc/l anyway, I would agree with your assesment of installing a passive system with the potential for upgrade to a powered one after construction. Also in your area I am aware of some public buildings such as schools that have had an impermiable membrane installed prior to pouring of the footings and slab, but this requires a very carefull pour to maintain the integrity of the membrane.