There must have been a pinhole in the insulation of one of the hot conductors. A stupid @ss stud on the back of the dead front arc'd to it when I removed the panel screws and the panel cover shifted ever so slightly. Tripped the main, pretty good pop from the arc too!
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
While I have never had it happen to me, I was witness to a good arc when an inspector that was working with Nick and myself went to screw a panel cover back on and it just so happens there was a bunch of hot wires right in the way of the screw hole.
Talk about some sparks flying! 
Thank god, no harm done.....but will need to have an electrician fix that! 
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This inspection started out on the wrong foot because BOTH Realtors who were aware of the time and date of the inspection FAILED to notify the seller of same. Ring bell, no answer. Open door with Supra, greeted by family dog running loose in house, close door, start making phone calls.
Realtors can't contact seller but say okay to inspect, buyer is with me as witness. Hope he's of good character and not an axe murderer. Go back inside, dog is locked inside kennel! WTF? Talented dog? No, sleepy kids inside house, one in college says no problem will call mom. Good deal.
Moral of the story? Can you really trust Realtors?
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
kelliott wrote:
So how'd you write that up?
... " there will be extra charge for saving client, and family's life at electric panel".... 
The dead front electrical service panel arced to a hot conductor while the panel cover was being removed for inspection purposes (pictures 1 & 2). This is an unusual occurrence and may have been a result of a pinhole in the hot conductor insulation allowing an arc from the hot conductor to a stud protrusion on the back of the panel cover. The main breaker tripped as a result. I did not replace the panel cover but I did reset the main breaker to restore power to the dwelling. The seller was advised via telephone of the condition and that the area around the electrical service panel was currently not safe. Children should not be allowed in the garage until the repair has been made by a licensed electrician. This condition is in need of repair. I recommend that a licensed, competent, qualified, professional electrical contractor be consulted to determine the best method for repair, estimate costs, and perform the repair.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
John, that sounds like a scary one, I have saved the pics for future educational use as "Onofrey_browntrouser1 & 2"   
As to the recomendation: " Due to signs of significant moisture intrusion and musty smell, we recommend inspector goes straight home for further evaluation and remedial action with UL listed toilet tissue and approved laundry equipment"
BTW, I would also have to panel looked at