When the aluminum was first used it was not compatible with the receptacle screws. Several solutions were tried. Here is a list of questions. Interested in opinions.
Red UL listed wire nuts were used commonly in the 70’south as a solution.
1)Did UL pull the listing on the red wire twist on connectors?
2)If a UL listing is pulled does that make prior applications improper?
3)I heard some electricians resorted to a Canadian approved twist on connector that subsequently lost its listing to. True or false?
4)Can you use a Canadian listed device in the US if it is not listed by a US agency?
5)Is Purple Ideal twist on sold at hardware stores) acceptable?
6)Is anti oxidant required by code?
7)Can aluminum be used on cu-al receptacles?
8 )Can aluminum be used on cu-alu receptacles?
9)Can aluminum be us ed on co-lar receptacle ?
10)Is alumniconn an acceptable connector?
11)Is copalum an acceptable connector?
12)Is a compatible connector required at light fixtures?
13)Are the only two connectors you can use on a light fixture alumniconn and copalum?
14)Is a compatible connector required at light switches?
15)Are there co-lar switches?
16)Do breakers require a visible copper aluminum label?
17)How do you determine the presence of AA-8000 series or “ACM” aluminum wire?
18 )Consumer Product Safety Commission indicates they dislike twist on connectors. Does a UL listing supercede CPSC opinion?
OK. I’ll answer and you pick two that interest you.
1)Did UL pull the listing on the red wire twist on connectors? Yes per hearsay
2)If a UL listing is pulled does that make prior applications improper? A lawyer would know. Problem is it is very difficult to determine what was approved. Today the Purple Ideal 45 is the only approved twist on connector I am aware of thus making all others improper. All red wire nuts on aluminum are defective.
3)I heard some electricians resorted to a Canadian approved twist on connector that subsequently lost its listing to. True or false? Hearsay. They did it for a few years. However defer to answer above. If not a Purple Ideal 45 it is improper; even then an Ideael has debate.
4)Can you use a Canadian listed device in the US if it is not listed by a US agency? Only if approved by AHJ IMO
5)Is Purple Ideal twist on sold at hardware stores) acceptable? Per UL yes; per inspectny No. Key thing is it can only be used on copper to aluminum one time.
6)Is anti oxidant required by code? Yes and no. Not specifically required but if required by manufacturer then yes. If not required by manufacturer then using it might be a violation.
7)Can aluminum be used on cu-al receptacles? No. Obsolete technology
8 )Can aluminum be used on cu-alu receptacles? No. Obsolete technology
9)Can aluminum be used on co-lar receptacle ? Yes. Current technology
10)Is alumniconn an acceptable connector? Yes. Current technology
11)Is copalum an acceptable connector? Yes. Current technology. Good luck finding an installer.
12)Is a compatible connector required at light fixtures? Yes. That leaves three choices. Purple Ideal 45, copalum or alumniconn.
13)Are the only two connectors you can use on a light fixture alumniconn and copalum? No, you can use copalum so there are three ways. I forgot to include in my question 12. Did not intend it to be a trick question.
14)Is a compatible connector required at light switches? Yes. Try col-lar switch or alumniconn. I don’t think you’ll get a Purple Ideal to fit in the box. I would go with co-lar.
15)Are there co-lar switches? Yes. About $10 plus labor
16)Do breakers require a visible copper aluminum label? Yes
17)How do you determine the presence of AA-8000 series or “ACM” aluminum wire? The only way I know is to cut a piece of excess and bend test it. Problem is finding some excess to test. Old stuff should break in half after 4 to 8 bends. New stuff will not break after many bends. PS if anyone has 20 to 30 feet of the old stuff mail it to me.
18 )Consumer Product Safety Commission indicates they dislike twist on connectors. Does a UL listing supercede CPSC opinion? Do not know. It would be problematic in deposition however. I would reject all twist on connectors including Ideal 45 and defer to electrician.
Conclusion. Easiest thing to do is say “Aluminum wire not inspected. Have electrician inspect aluminum system in this home”