Always advertising even when having fun!

Had a great 4th of July at the beach with family and friends.

I am a very hard person to buy a gift for some my girlfriend found something I would never expected. If you loke Bag-O, which I never played before, it s good fun game for the extire family. Well we brought it out to the beach and when not using it, we welcomed stranges to make good use of it and enjoy. Luck have it one person using it was a Realtor and asked if were that company with the big bus. I told her yes and we chatted for a bit. Today she booked a small condo inspection with the office.

Never know when and where advertising will pay off.

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I’m the King of Corn Hole… having never lost a game.

Alway think outside the box and never stop working. A big key to success. You never know where the next lead will come from. Well Done! (Except next time some pics with bikini babes won’t hurt).

A guy down the road makes those. His house shows up on foursquare as bobs cornhole kingdom.

For the last couple of years I cannot convince my wife that the name of that game is Cornhole. I usually get a “I know that’s what you and your friends call it, but what is the real name?”

I guess it does not help when we refer to ladder golf as testicle toss or sweaty balls.

You reap what you sow.

Where I come from THAT game is called “bean bag toss”. Cornhole means something entirely different and it ain’t pretty and it sure as hell aint’ no game. They sell the game in Sears, Target and dozens of other major retailers and they all refer to it as the Bean Bag Toss game. Calling it the Cornhole game will cause a fist fight to break out.

Are these guys invited to the fist fight?

Must be one of those regional things.

Nasty looking beaches ya have down there one might catch hoof and mouth disease???

You’re right, I much prefer the beautiful ocean beaches of Oklahoma! :roll:

Sorry Bubba no salt water just fresh water beaches and plenty of them:shock:

That’s like comparing a Motel 6 with the Bellagio.

I lived in Hawaii for 4 years your beaches have no comparison say thank you BP;-)

Well I lived down the road from a lady who knew a guy who had a neice that once dated a guy who saw the Great Barrier Reef from a plane. :stuck_out_tongue:

Omg. That was me! Such a small world!

Are you high on drugs or do you carry on like this often:D;-)

That’s what I’d like to know…

Not really just punch drunk kinda giddy my first day and a half off in about two months just finished the last report Yahoo starts all over come monday:D

That’s good. Everyone needs a day off every couple of weeks. Today I was off as well. Spent most of the day getting my yard back in shape. Now if it would just stay like this…